Message-locked encryption and secure deduplication.

Protecting Data Using Server-Side Encryption. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. RACS: A case for cloud storage diversity.

Hussam Abu-Libdeh, Lonnie Princehouse, and Hakim Weatherspoon.Message-locked encryption for lock-dependent messages. Martín Abadi, Dan Boneh, Ilya Mironov, Ananth Raghunathan, and Gil Segev.Finally, we identify and discuss unresolved issues and further research challenges for secure deduplication in cloud storage. We discuss and compare each scheme in terms of security and efficiency specific to different security goals. We then describe state-of-the-art secure deduplication techniques for each approach that deal with different security issues under specific or combined threat models, which include both cryptographic and protocol solutions. On the basis of classification of deduplication system, we explore security risks and attack scenarios from both inside and outside adversaries. Hence, in this article, we discuss ongoing research on secure deduplication for cloud data in consideration of the attack scenarios exploited most widely in cloud storage. To deal with specific security and privacy issues, secure deduplication techniques have been proposed for cloud data, leading to a diverse range of solutions and trade-offs. Even though the general deduplication approach has been increasingly accepted, it comes with many security and privacy problems due to the outsourced data delivery models of cloud storage. Data deduplication has attracted many cloud service providers (CSPs) as a way to reduce storage costs.